The collaborative process to achieve a well-designed space starts off with a site visit or a video call. You can tell me what ideas you have and then I ask lots of questions, some of which you won’t know the answers to yet but will kick-start the process! I’ll then write up the brief and present fee options to carry out the work.
The next stage involves various sketch options which will help to formulate the key issues and provide areas for discussion, debate and an eventual solution. This is followed by detailed construction drawings, planting plans, and the subsequent tendering for and supervision of a landscape contractor to carry out the work.

Of course there’s the opportunity to contact me for a single consultation or planting renovation; I’m flexible.
I also collaborate with interior designers, architects and property developers to ensure a cohesive and successful result.
For commercial clients I provide landscape plans for planning applications or visuals and
reports to present to end-users.